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Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9"

Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9"

Prys: R 4,488.82

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 3,142.17

Voorraad: Ja (110 Eenhede)

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9" teen die beste prys

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Alle verskepings van produkte met 'n waarde van meer as 999 € word gedek deur 'n vervoerskadeversekering.

Jy sal jou Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9" binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

Die produkte word gestuur deur dringende internasionale verskepingsdraers, binne 'n maksimum van 72 uur sal u produk by u huis aankom.

Die virtuele produkte word onmiddellik na u geregistreerde e-posadres gestuur.

Produk beskrywing

Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9"

Keyboard Case - Apple Smart Keyboard Folio, For iPad Pro 12.9 ", Black
A case with keyboard, has become an indispensable accessory in our lives.Today write an email, it becomes a whole odyssey, Apple Smart Keyboard Folio has the perfect solution, to this problem.

It is ideal in case you decide to take it away from home! You just have to keep in mind that you have an iPad Pro 12.9 ".

Thanks to the case you will get a much more fluid writing as if it were a computer, you can see the screen of your tablet, completely.

And do not worry about stability , for the Apple Smart Keyboard Folio brand think about everything, because the keyboard case has a support position so that you can perfectly visualize everything written.

It has several positions, so you can see from a video to read a good book.

And as it is exclusive For your iPad Pro 12.9 ", it will fit perfectly, leaving all connections free, without increasing its thickness.

If you add a keyboard case to your iPad Pro 12.9, you already have the perfect combination! (iPad Pro 12.9" not included ) * The product will be served with the technical characteristics and complements described by the manufacturer, the image may vary with respect to the final product delivered.

Koop Apple Smart Keyboard Folio 12.9" Met cryptocurrencies


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