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Ricoh Theta 360º

Ricoh Theta 360º

Prys: R 4,898.80

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 3,429.16

Voorraad: Ja (174 Eenhede)

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Koop jou Ricoh Theta 360º teen die beste prys

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Jy sal jou Ricoh Theta 360º binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

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Produk beskrywing

Ricoh Theta 360º

360º Camcorder - Ricoh Theta SC, Full HD, 30 fps, 8 GB, WiFi, Beige
Capture photos and videos in Full HD with the 360º camcorder Ricoh Theta SC in beige, a portable camera of attractive design and with WiFi connectivity to share your files easily.

You can also take good quality photos thanks to the CMOS 1 / 2.3 (x2) image sensor.
Record video in Full HD and 360º
With the 360º Ricoh Theta SC camcorder you can record video in Full HD / 30 fps.

This will allow you not only to have images of a very high resolution, 4 times higher than that of a Full HD, but the camera will record a total panorama.

There will be no angle to resist it.

In addition, you can take 360º still photos with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels.

A joy.
Play the content
You can connect the S camcorder to a compatible iOS or Android phone thanks to the WiFi connection.

With it you can transfer images and configure the camera.
Storage and autonomy
Do not worry about space, since this 360º camcorder Ricoh Theta SC has 8 GB of internal storage.

And with the battery you don't play, that's why this camcorder has a built-in lithium-ion battery that lasts about 260 photographs approximately.

Koop Ricoh Theta 360º Met cryptocurrencies


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