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Braun Minipimer OMELETTE

Braun Minipimer OMELETTE

Prys: R 1,619.57

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 1,133.70

Voorraad: Ja (272 Eenhede)

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Koop jou Braun Minipimer OMELETTE teen die beste prys

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Alle aankope sluit produkdokumentasie (indien van toepassing) en 2-jaar vervaardiger se waarborg in.

Alle verskepings van produkte met 'n waarde van meer as 999 € word gedek deur 'n vervoerskadeversekering.

Jy sal jou Braun Minipimer OMELETTE binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

Die produkte word gestuur deur dringende internasionale verskepingsdraers, binne 'n maksimum van 72 uur sal u produk by u huis aankom.

Die virtuele produkte word onmiddellik na u geregistreerde e-posadres gestuur.

Produk beskrywing

Braun Minipimer OMELETTE

Hand mixer - Braun Minipimer MQ725 OMELETTE Power 750W, Metal arm, Silent motor,
A unique mixer in the market; It has all the speeds in a single button.

Thus we would define the Braun Minipimer MQ725 OMELETTE blender.

It has a new automatic speed regulation system called Smart Speed, which makes the more you press the regulator the more speed you get.

Easy right? But everything does not end here, It incorporates a large silent 750W motor that will allow you to make endless dishes, various accessories so that your creativity has no limits.

Trust the German technology of Braun, and get the blender that will revolutionize the market.
Smart Speed ​​Speed ​​Selector
This mixer incorporates an automatic speed system, the more you press the button the more power you generate.

All designed so you can beat with one hand and with the least effort.

A system that will allow you to prepare the best dishes in the most comfortable and precise way.
Extraordinary results.
It has a silent DC motor of great power, 750W.

Its German manufacturing and technology ensure excellent efficiency and the best results.
Splash hood
The unique shape of Braun's arms, finished in the form of a flower, ensures that during its use, no food remains are spread all over the kitchen countertop.

This arm is made of high quality stainless steel that will allow you to wash it even in the dishwasher.
Multifunctional accessories
The blender will come from the factory with a 600ml measuring glass, rods so you can mount, beat, etc.

And the chopper bowl with a capacity of 350 ml will perform many functions.

All accessories are built with the highest quality materials, to ensure high durability.
Easily detachable
Its exclusive design allows to mount and disassemble the accessories with a simple click, being perfectly fitted.
Easy cleaning
Your new blender is made of high strength stainless steel that allows you to wash it in the dishwasher.

Forget about the cumbersome task of cleaning it after use, spend time on yourself and enjoy your family.

Koop Braun Minipimer OMELETTE Met cryptocurrencies


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