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KitchenAid Diamond

KitchenAid Diamond

Prys: R 3,464.08

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 2,424.86

Voorraad: Ja (288 Eenhede)

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou KitchenAid Diamond teen die beste prys

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Alle aankope sluit produkdokumentasie (indien van toepassing) en 2-jaar vervaardiger se waarborg in.

Alle verskepings van produkte met 'n waarde van meer as 999 € word gedek deur 'n vervoerskadeversekering.

Jy sal jou KitchenAid Diamond binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

Die produkte word gestuur deur dringende internasionale verskepingsdraers, binne 'n maksimum van 72 uur sal u produk by u huis aankom.

Die virtuele produkte word onmiddellik na u geregistreerde e-posadres gestuur.

Produk beskrywing

KitchenAid Diamond

Glass blender - KitchenAid Diamond, 1.5 L, Stainless steel blades, Hot food function, Black
Prepare your usual shakes and recipes with the KitchenAid Diamond glass blender in black.

You can blend at high speed with its powerful engine with Intelli-Speed ​​control.

It will be your best ally in the kitchen.
Maximum power, minimum splashes
Its 220-240 W of power offers us an effective and homogeneous smoothie.

In addition, the stainless steel blades together with the Intelli- Speed ​​motor automatically adjust speed and power.

You won't have to be careful to change it.

Start with a soft start and increase the speed.

This prevents splashing.
Watch your health
The blender has a glass jar of 1.5 liters capacity that is free of BPA, a chemical that can carry health risks.

Therefore, you can prepare any food in a healthy way.
Hot and cold
Prepare hot food too! The KitchenAid Diamond glass blender incorporates a special hot food button that guarantees that it will not spoil.

Koop KitchenAid Diamond Met cryptocurrencies


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