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Taurus Easy Press

Taurus Easy Press

Prys: R 1,414.38

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 990.07

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Produk beskrywing

Taurus Easy Press

Juicer - Taurus Easy Press, 160W, Electric lever, 2 Cones, Filter regulator, 650 ml, Inox
The Easy Press 160 juicer is the electric lever juicer ideal for preparing all kinds of citrus juice without any effort.

It includes two different cones that will adapt to the measure of any orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit.

And it has a stainless steel filter and a filter with adjustable pulp regulator, choose the one that best suits your tastes and get your juice directly to the glass thanks to the continuous pouring.
Comfortable and detachable juicer
The aluminum juicer arm makes it a robust and sturdy arm juicer that allows you to get a juice quickly and without getting your hands dirty, with the maximum practicality and comfort possible.

In addition, the juicer has at its base non-slip suction cups that adhere perfectly to the surface and provide extra stability and comfort during the squeezing process.
Direct pouring into the glass
Its outlet allows you to store the juice in the tank (650 ml) as well as a continuous continuous pouring into the glass.

The continuous pouring allows you to fill the glass at the same time that the squeeze is done to see exactly the amount of juice you are preparing and, thus, finish at the desired time.

Its mouth has an anti-splash design that allows to end the spillage at any time without any splash.

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