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DeLonghi CGH 1012D

DeLonghi CGH 1012D

Prys: R 3,947.66

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 2,763.36

Voorraad: Ja (170 Eenhede)

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou DeLonghi CGH 1012D teen die beste prys

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Alle aankope sluit produkdokumentasie (indien van toepassing) en 2-jaar vervaardiger se waarborg in.

Alle verskepings van produkte met 'n waarde van meer as 999 € word gedek deur 'n vervoerskadeversekering.

Jy sal jou DeLonghi CGH 1012D binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

Die produkte word gestuur deur dringende internasionale verskepingsdraers, binne 'n maksimum van 72 uur sal u produk by u huis aankom.

Die virtuele produkte word onmiddellik na u geregistreerde e-posadres gestuur.

Produk beskrywing

DeLonghi CGH 1012D

Grill - DeLonghi CGH 1012D, 2000W, 4 cooking functions, Removable plates
Whether you like healthy food, or if you are passionate about barbecues, you cannot miss the DeLonghi CGH 1012D grill.

Cook meat, fish and vegetables in the most healthy and natural way, eliminating excess fat.
To start healthy cooking
You can cook all kinds of food that, in case they have it, will gently release excess fat in their fat collection tray.

It's that easy and, most importantly, keeping all the flavor.
You have the control
Contact grill, panini press, open barbecue or melt function.

Select the option you select you will get tasty results for your recipes.

So get down to work and use your digital Led display to easily and conveniently regulate the process.
Plates for easy cleaning
Their plates are removable and non-stick, so you can wash them in the dishwasher and keep them clean for the next use.

And you can also store it vertically for easy storage in any closet, until you need it.

Koop DeLonghi CGH 1012D Met cryptocurrencies


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