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Alfa Practik 9

Alfa Practik 9

Prys: R 4,693.81

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 3,285.67

Voorraad: Ja (193 Eenhede)

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Jy sal jou Alfa Practik 9 binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

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Produk beskrywing

Alfa Practik 9

Sewing machine - Alfa Practik 9, 34 Stitches, LED Light, Metal Chassis
With the Alfa Practik 9 sewing machine you can do what you like most easily.

It has 34 stitches that will allow you to perform many tasks, whether decorative, basic, zigzag ...

The stitch viewer is backlit with LED so you can see better and, in addition, both the threader and the buttonhole in 1 step are automatic
Professional results
You can select up to 34 different stitches such as festoons, super-automatic, zig-zag or an automatic buttonhole in one step, which will help you create or fix your own clothes very easily.

Therefore, the Alfa Practik 9 sewing machine adapts to any type of fabric.
A machine made to last
The metal chassis of the machine is very rigid, making it very resistant.

But not only the chassis has a great resistance, but also the spool holder and the presser foot are metallic.

Despite this highly metallic structure, the sewing machine is very comfortable to use.

This is due in large part to soft touch dials and very accessible stitch inversion and a protected motor that makes it very quiet.
Practical and versatile
The Alfa Practik 9 sewing machine has LED backlight in the stitch display, which will offer you optimal visibility of the work area.

You can also regulate the foot to avoid swaying and, if that were not enough, you will not have space problems since 100% of the support surface is used.

In addition, it comes equipped with different accessories that will make the job much easier such as several presser feet, an edge guide, a darning plate and more.

Koop Alfa Practik 9 Met cryptocurrencies


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