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Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee

Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee

Prys: R 3,464.08

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 2,424.86

Voorraad: Ja (271 Eenhede)

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Produk beskrywing

Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Coffee Dispenser - Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee Maker, 14 cups, Aluminum handle, Stainless
Complete your breakfast with the Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee Maker cold coffee dispenser, the most practical and simple way to prepare a delicious refreshing coffee.

Its capacity for up to 14 cups will allow you to serve your guests and be the best host.
What coffee will you get?
Cold brewed coffee comes into contact with cold water to produce a softer and more balanced flavor.

Unlike iced coffee, which is a hot coffee that is poured on ice, no heat is applied during the cold preparation method.

60 ml of concentrate should be combined with 180 ml of cold water or milk and add ice / sweeteners to taste.

It is recommended to use a coffee / water / milk ratio of 1: 3 (1 part of coffee concentrate per 3 parts of water or milk).
Coffee or tea
You can prepare cold coffee or tea concentrate at home.

You will get a rich, soft and balanced cold coffee that is less acidic and has a less bitter taste than hot or iced coffee.
Perfect design for your kitchen
Stylish and modern, the built-in tap is made of stainless steel.

You can easily dispense the cold drink.

Easy to use and clean.
Aluminum handle
The practical aluminum handle that allows easy transport.

Prepare your drink wherever you want thanks to the Kitchen Aid Cold Brew Coffee Maker cold coffee dispenser.

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