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Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer

Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer

Prys: R 1,619.57

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 1,133.70

Voorraad: Ja (276 Eenhede)

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Koop jou Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer teen die beste prys

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Jy sal jou Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

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Produk beskrywing

Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer

Hair Dryer - Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer 2000W, Iontec Technology, Cold Air Blow
Get ready to get everyone's attention in your path with an always perfect hairstyle thanks to Braun's new HD 785 dryer.

With Iontec Technology and a power of 2000W it will take care of your hair in an unbeatable way.

In addition, thanks to the additional accessories such as the mouthpiece and the diffuser you will always get professional results, because taking care of your hair and getting the hairstyle you want every day is not so difficult!
Unique technology.
The results matter, but also the health of your hair.

With ionic technology, your hair will look healthy and shiny, eliminating even a lot of frizz.
Choose the ideal temperature.
Because not all hair is the same, because your new Braun dryer includes up to 4 temperature levels that you can comfortably choose from its ergonomic handle.

In addition to a perfect and professional finish incorporates the function of 2 blows of cold air that will leave your hair perfect as never before.
Professional engine
It has the AC motor that will ensure the durability of your unmatched dryer, for a 5 times longer lifespan.
It includes a practical hanging ring that will allow you to store it comfortably without taking up space.

Koop Braun HD 785 Senso Dryer Met cryptocurrencies


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