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Philips Lumea Essential

Philips Lumea Essential

Prys: R 4,693.81

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 3,285.67

Voorraad: Ja (240 Eenhede)

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Produk beskrywing

Philips Lumea Essential

IPL Epilator - Philips Lumea Essential BRI862 / 00, 200000 pulses, 5 positions, Skin sensor, White
Depilate at home and prevent hair growth with the IPL Epilator Philips Lumea Essential BRI862 / 00.

Applying soft pulses of light, thanks to this technology you will get a smooth and effortless skin.

It has 5 adjustable light energy positions, to ensure a smooth and efficient treatment.
Skin type sensor
The epilator is effective for various types of skin and hair.

It works with dark blonde hair, brown and brown.

Keep in mind that it does not work with red hair, light blond or gray hair and is not suitable for dark skin.

In fact, it has a skin tone sensor, which stops the pulse emission automatically if it detects that the skin is too dark.
Effective even in sensitive areas
This IPL epilator generates gentle pulsations, so it can be used safely in sensitive areas.

Use it without fear to remove facial and body hair, including legs, armpits, English, belly and arms.
Deploy in no time with Philips
You will be shaved in a seen and unseen.

Philips estimates that with the Philips Lumea Essential BRI862 / 00 IPL epilator, you need approximately 1 minute for underarm hair removal, 1 minute for the bikini line, 1 minute for the face areas and 5 minutes for the half leg.

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