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TomTom Rider 500

TomTom Rider 500

Prys: R 8,178.23

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 5,724.76

Voorraad: Ja (63 Eenhede)

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Jy sal jou TomTom Rider 500 binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

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Produk beskrywing

TomTom Rider 500

Moto GPS - TomTom Rider 500, Touchscreen, Wi-Fi, 16 GB, IPX7
If you are a true biker explorer you can not miss the TomTom Rider 500 motorcycle GPS with which you will not only have a guide and excellent companion that will take you to your destination, but you will discover new roads that you did not know and that you have always dreamed to visit throughout Europe.

Ready to enjoy new landscapes like never before?
Magic trips
If you are one of those who never like to repeat a path, with the TomTom Rider 500 motorcycle GPS you can choose the perfect route.

With the MyDrive function, it will be very easy to customize it, being able to choose the level of mountains and curves.

In addition, it allows you to discover different return routes to the outbound ones so you can enjoy yourself as a child.

You can also install and update maps of Europe at no additional cost throughout life, yes, throughout life.
Discover unusual roads
It will allow you to choose the degree of difficulty of the route and the curves it has and also if you prefer to go on sea or mountain roads, with three levels of slope and curves.

Easy to use at any time and with vertical view in case you want to see the curves better.

You will have control at all times of blackheads and traffic jams.
You won't need to stop
Whether you wear gloves or not, you can use the smart touch screen of the TomTom Rider 500 motorcycle GPS as it has a mode for light or thick gloves to offer you speed and accuracy in a second.

In addition, this GPS navigator has an IPX7 certificate that gives it resistance to bad weather and splashes.
Don't stop to pick up the phone
Thanks to the Wi-Fi connection you can make hands-free calls while driving.

Whether your mobile phone is iOS or Android, using the voice controls of Siri and Google Now you can make and accept calls.
You will never pay a fine again
If you find few of its features, the TomTom Rider 50 motorcycle GPS is also included with radar alerts so you can find out about all the controls.

Koop TomTom Rider 500 Met cryptocurrencies


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