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Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP

Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP

Prys: R 40,973.11

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 28,681.18

Voorraad: Ja (35 Eenhede)

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Koop jou Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP teen die beste prys

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Jy sal jou Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP binne 'n maksimum van 48 uur (Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae nie ingesluit nie).

Verskeping en aflewering

As u die produk voor 18:00 uur koop, sal die produk op dieselfde dag gestuur word. (Sondae nie ingesluit nie).

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Produk beskrywing

Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP

Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP
Gold remains one of the best ways for investors to acquire tangible assets, and this 1 oz year Pamp Suisse Lunar Year of the Dragon Gold Bar is a great option to invest in gold products today.

Based in Switzerland, PAMP continues to be one of the most important precious metal refineries in the world.

Their products are highly appreciated worldwide for their exceptional designs and world class minting quality.

If you are looking to diversify your investment portfolio, PAMP products are an excellent way to build your wealth portfolio.
Bar Highlights:
Contains 1 oz .9999 pure gold.
Available in a plastic protective case with test card included.
Part of the Lunar Calendar Series for 2012.
Commemorate the year of the dragon.
Hit by PAMP Suisse.
Eligible for use in precious metal IRA accounts.
The exquisite 1 oz Suisse Lunar Year of the Dragon PAMP gold bar features a striking dragon as the focal point of the design.

These bars celebrate the lunar year of the dragon with exciting details.

The PAMP series Suisse Lunar Calendar is still popular for mint.

Each of these bars features the dragon design and is also stamped with the Chinese character of the dragon.

Customers will notice the immense details on each carefully crafted scale of the Chinese-style dragon.

The back of the bar is as striking as the dragon's enveloping design represents with its claws grabbing the gold bar.

Customers will notice a troy ounce of gold purity .9999 on the bar seals.

Koop Gold Lunar Dragon 1 oz PAMP Met cryptocurrencies


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