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Veiling: Garmin dezl 780

Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 14.00 R 15.00

R 14.39

Die gebruiker hhofmann wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 14.39
R 14.40
R 14.41



Daxdi munte waarde

R 9,898.50

R 9,884.11


Die gebruiker hhofmann wen die veiling.
Daxdi assistent


  • Huidige prys

    R 14.39

  • Produkwaarde

    R 9,898.50

  • Veiling-ID


  • Veilingtipe

    Openbare veiling

  • Bodwaarde

    3 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 15.00

Statistiek van die laaste 15 dae

  • Gemiddelde aantal deelnemers

    0 Gebruikers

  • Gemiddelde hoeveelheid bod wat deur die wenners gedoen word

    0 Daxdi munte

  • Gemiddelde gepubliseerde tye in 'n week

    0 Keer

  • Gemiddelde finale prys

    R 0.00

  • Gemiddelde besparings van die wenners

    R 9,898.50

  • Gemiddelde besteding deur wenners

    R 0.00

Jongste wenners

Daar is nie meer finale veilings van hierdie produk op die afgelope 30 dae nie


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Koop produk

Jy kan hierdie produk in enige oomblik koop, as jy bod in hierdie veiling geplaas het, sal die bodwaarde van die produk finale prys afgetrek word.

Garmin dezl 780

GPS - Garmin dezl 780 LMT-D, 7 "Screen, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Maps of Europe
Discover all long-distance routes and paths to reach your destination well thanks to the Garmin dezl 780 LMT-D GPS navigator with 7-inch screen and magnetic support with special power for large vehicles.

The updated maps and its large number of functions and connections will allow you to move with more comfort and safety.
Custom routes
The GPS will provide you with the route adapted to the weight, load and dimensions of your truck and will inform you of bridge heights, sharp curves and steep slopes.

You will also find points of interest, specific rest areas and adapted to large vehicles.

Because driving a large vehicle is not the same as going with conventional tourism.
WiFi connection
With the Garmin dezl 780 LMT-D GPS you can update maps of all Europe at no additional cost during the life of the device.

You will also have notices of all types of radars, as well as updates on the location of fixed radars.
Voice control
The Garmin dezl 780 LMT-D GPS voice control technology allows you to control the GPS while maintaining maximum concentration on the road.

Thanks to bluetooth connectivity you can synchronize the GPS with your mobile, so it will notify you of notifications, you can take calls with the hands-free function and much more.
Rear camera
And if you find few of its features, with the large GPS screen you can view the objects behind your truck with the rear camera.

The Garmin dezl 780 LMT-D GPS is compatible with the Garmin BC 35 camera.


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