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Veiling: Gold ingot Lunar Rooster 100gr. PAMP

Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 28.00 R 29.00

R 28.87

Die gebruiker sharonmthethwa wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 28.87
R 28.88
R 28.89



Daxdi munte waarde

R 106,236.20

R 106,207.33


Die gebruiker sharonmthethwa wen die veiling.
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    R 30.00

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Gold ingot Lunar Rooster 100gr. PAMP

Gold ingot Lunar Rooster 100gr.

For collectors, design and visual beauty are equally important.

The PAMP Suisse lunar-themed bar line marks both boxes, with new designs every year and pure gold content .9999.

Today, the 100 Gram PAMP Suisse Lunar Rooster Gold gold bar is available at JM Bullion.
Bar Highlights:
Ships in sealed plastic to protect the bar.
From the PAMP Suisse Lunar range.
It contains 100 grams (3,215 troy ounces) of pure gold .9999.
Present the design of the year of the rooster continuously on both sides.
The reverse includes important brands.
Coined privately in Switzerland.
Lunar themed products are nothing new in the numismatic world.

Perth Mint coins are an excellent example of an annual release series that collectors covet because there is a new design every year.

PAMP Suisse took its lunar series to a new level with a continuous design concept.
Instead of using the Year of the Rooster design, or applicable lunar year, on one side, PAMP refiners created a continuous concept with their designs.

This means that you see the image of the year of the rooster on one side of the bar from a point of view, and when you turn it over the design on the opposite side it is the same, but from a different point of view.
For example, on the obverse of the 100 Gram PAMP Suisse Lunar Rooster Gold gold bar you will notice the rooster's left profile position when it perches on the edge of a rocky outcrop.

He appears looking back over his body with a long plumage in the tail.
Go to the back of the 100 Gram PAMP Suisse Lunar Rooster Gold gold bar and what you see is the same rooster, but from a straight profile point of view as you would see it from a different angle.

You are seeing a different side of the rooster's body, and the rocky outcrop goes from left to right on the surface of the bar instead of right to left.
Each 100 Gram PAMP Suisse Lunar Rooster Gold gold bar has a mark on the front that indicates the Chinese rooster symbol.

The reverse has engravings of the mint name, the weight of the bar, its metal content and the purity of gold, as well as an individual serial number and the brand of the analyzer.
All Lunar Suisse PAMP rooster bars are shipped inside the CertiPamp sealed plastic packaging of the mint.

A Certificate of Authenticity is included in the package, which verifies the serial number as visible on the bar.

Serial numbers consist of a one letter code and six numbers.


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