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Veiling: HP PageWide Pro 477dw

Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 13.00 R 14.00

R 13.07

Die gebruiker romainetromp wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 13.07
R 13.08
R 13.09



Daxdi munte waarde

R 10,170.41

R 10,157.34


Die gebruiker romainetromp wen die veiling.
Daxdi assistent


  • Huidige prys

    R 13.07

  • Produkwaarde

    R 10,170.41

  • Veiling-ID


  • Veilingtipe

    Openbare veiling

  • Bodwaarde

    3 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 20.00

Statistiek van die laaste 15 dae

  • Gemiddelde aantal deelnemers

    0 Gebruikers

  • Gemiddelde hoeveelheid bod wat deur die wenners gedoen word

    0 Daxdi munte

  • Gemiddelde gepubliseerde tye in 'n week

    0 Keer

  • Gemiddelde finale prys

    R 0.00

  • Gemiddelde besparings van die wenners

    R 10,170.41

  • Gemiddelde besteding deur wenners

    R 0.00

Jongste wenners

Daar is nie meer finale veilings van hierdie produk op die afgelope 30 dae nie


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Koop produk

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HP PageWide Pro 477dw

Multifunction printer - HP PageWide Pro 477dw, Color, Double-sided, 55 ppm, 2400 x 1200, WiFi, 768 MB
If you are looking for a multifunction printer with great performance and print in professional quality, stop looking for more and you have found it.

HP presents the PageWide 477dw color printer which will give you that quality you need and want for your official documents.
Quality and speed
HP applies its technology to this printer which will give you incredible results.

With a speed greater than the average color printers, this HP will become the perfect tool for your day to day; It is very fast and without losing quality in the form.
And without abusing consumption!
So is! Your new printer will give you incredible profitability also for your pocket.

Get professional results with minimum energy consumption thanks to its low cost operation.

In addition, the use of long-lasting cartridges allows you to print a larger number of documents without excessive waste of ink.
HP has thought of everything
This printer is ideal for offices.

With print, fax, scanner and copy functions you will see that it fits perfectly for its performance and ability as a tool of day to day.

Get a two-sided scan or send a fax, all from the same machine.
With NFC function
If your smartphone is compatible with the NFC function you just have to place it on it and you can start printing from your device.

Without cables or configurations, NFC technology speeds up processes to an extreme point.
Keep your privacy to the fullest
Do not let your most confidential forms be available to anyone.

HP incorporates a number of security features such as key authentication (PIN).

This will always ensure the use of your machine and the privacy of your documents.


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