Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin


Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 55.00 R 56.00

R 55.63

Die gebruiker krisdenesik wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 55.63
R 55.64
R 55.65



Daxdi munte waarde

R 94,311.11

R 94,255.48


Die gebruiker krisdenesik wen die veiling.
Daxdi assistent


  • Huidige prys

    R 55.63

  • Produkwaarde

    R 94,311.11

  • Veiling-ID


  • Veilingtipe

    Openbare veiling

  • Bodwaarde

    7 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 60.00

Statistiek van die laaste 15 dae

  • Gemiddelde aantal deelnemers

    0 Gebruikers

  • Gemiddelde hoeveelheid bod wat deur die wenners gedoen word

    0 Daxdi munte

  • Gemiddelde gepubliseerde tye in 'n week

    0 Keer

  • Gemiddelde finale prys

    R 0.00

  • Gemiddelde besparings van die wenners

    R 94,311.11

  • Gemiddelde besteding deur wenners

    R 0.00

Jongste wenners

Daar is nie meer finale veilings van hierdie produk op die afgelope 30 dae nie


Die produk sal binne 'n maksimum van 24 uur gestuur word sodra u gewen en betaal het vir die veiling.

Die opgeveilde produk is beskikbaar om vir sy kontantwaarde verruil te word

Vir meer inligting oor die aflewering van die produkte of om die kontantwaarde daarvan in te ruil, kan u die algemene vrae vra of 'n ondersteuningskaartjie oopmaak

Koop produk

Jy kan hierdie produk in enige oomblik koop, as jy bod in hierdie veiling geplaas het, sal die bodwaarde van die produk finale prys afgetrek word.


GIANT KOWA HIGH LANDER BINOCULARS 82MM FLUORITE 9900152 FLUORITE objective lenses of 82mm diameter that allow to obtain an unbeatable luminosity and definition at the same time that they guarantee a total fidelity of colour.

- Standard 32x wide field, wide focal point eyepieces offer spectacular images with the comfort of a 45º tilted position.

- Innumerable applications such as astronomy, surveillance, classical observation...

And it always meets all the requirements of professionals.

- Light and handy body, but at the same time robust and durable.

- Completely waterproof and nitrogen-filled unit.

- Integrated sunshades that protect the objective lenses from incident light and water drops.

- Focusing system independent of each eyepiece.

- Adjustable interpupillary distance.

Eyepiece attachment and removal: To place the eyepiece, place it in the opening and push it until it is well seated on the focusing ring.

To remove the eyepiece, simply pull out the eyepiece.

Focus and adjust interpupillary distance: Focusing is obtained by turning the focusing rings on the eyepiece tubes.

The interpupillary distance is corrected by moving the eyepiece tubes inwards and outwards.

Use of the search line: The search line is useful for locating the object to be observed.

By aligning the search line with the projection of the main body, objects can be located easily.

Sliding sunshade: If sunlight is disturbing, pull the sunshades from the tubes to prevent direct light from entering.


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