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Veiling: Moto GP 20 - Nintendo Switch

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Huidige prys

R 7.00 R 8.00

R 7.92

Die gebruiker Jova14Vukot wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 7.92
R 7.93
R 7.94



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R 1,414.38

R 1,406.46


Die gebruiker Jova14Vukot wen die veiling.
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    R 7.92

  • Produkwaarde

    R 1,414.38

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    2 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 10.00

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    R 1,414.38

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Moto GP 20 - Nintendo Switch

Moto GP 20 - Nintendo Switch 
With incredible new features and technical improvements, MotoGP™20 takes a step forward to achieve the ultimate MotoGP™ experience.
The game, which will be released shortly after the start of the Official Championship MotoGP™, has an excellent level of development to ensure that fans of the license can enjoy the current season competing with their favorite drivers.

Players will either participate in the 2020 season, competing against the MotoGP™ champions, or take the place of a young driver, gradually improving from the Red Bull MotoGP™ Rookies Cup category to the top flight.
After the great success of the previous installment, the MotoGP™ game has taken a step forward by including more improvements.

The incredible gameplay, so appreciated by the community, is coupled with a more strategic and realistic approach to racing - pure MotoGP™ experience, from the game box to the track!
Strategy is key
At MotoGP™20, players will take control of the race with decisions that will make a difference on the track.

The Managerial Career mode is back with a number of features that test drivers' skills.
Whether you are part of the official 2020 team or a new team sponsored by the brands of the MotoGP world, players will have to navigate a complete environment, selecting the team, analysing race data or developing the bikes to compete with.

Just as in real life, players will have to make the best decisions to succeed and dominate in the Championship.
Experience a real race MotoGP™
The most important thing in a race is to be the fastest.

Every detail counts when it comes to winning a few precious milliseconds.

At MotoGP™20, players will have a leading role in the development of the bike and will be able to improve the performance of the different parts of the bike, earning and spending development points and using their mechanics staff in order to reach the highest level.
Aerodynamics, electronics, engine power, fuel consumption, are just some of the variables that players can use to improve their machines.
The development team has worked hard to achieve much more strategic and realistic gameplay, including such real-world features as fuel management, the use of non-symmetrical tyres and, for the first time in the franchise's history, aerodynamic damage that will affect the bike's performance and aesthetics.
In a continuous search for realism, the physics of the game have been worked on to make the gameplay more technical and based on the skills of the rider.
Many of the features that have made the franchise successful in previous years, return with incredible improvements taking into account the preferences and opinions of the community:
A renewed history mode.

This is a new format of one of the community's favourite modes, with randomly generated races in which players must unlock and collect the most iconic riders and bikes.
Neural Artificial Intelligence 2.0.

Last year, Neural Intelligence gave the game more speed and a more natural outcome.

This year, the development team has gone further, improving the capabilities and allowing to manage the tyres and fuel consumption, just as the riders do in reality.
New editors.

New editor for stickers, helmets, driver number and patches on the lower rear of the overall.

At MotoGP™20, players will be able to customize their team's bikes and fairings and compete on the track in unique style.
The best online experience.

Dedicated servers for multiplayer mode have made the online experience more reliable and fun.

Added improvements for all modes: public and private competitions and Race Director Mode.


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