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Veiling: Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm

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R 26.00 R 27.00

R 26.54

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R 26.54
R 26.55
R 26.56



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R 62,805.30

R 62,778.76


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Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm

Lens - Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f / 2.8 FL ED VR
If sports photography is your thing, the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f / 2.8 FL ED VR lens cannot be missing from your equipment.

Not only will your focal length and large aperture of the diaphragm help you, but it also has VR vibration reduction that will help you take photos in motion and in bursts.
An action telephoto lens
This Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f / 2.8 FL ED VR lens is a very versatile FX telephoto lens.

Thanks to its focal length of 70-200mm (105-300mm in DX) you can capture dynamic images of sports or action.

In addition, its f / 2.8 aperture gives it a constant speed and ability to work in low light situations with constant exposure.
Reduces vibration
Thanks to the technology of vibration reduction (VR), the lens minimizes the small vibrations that the camera can have.

So you can shoot at slower speeds without fear that the photos will be moved.

In addition, it has SPORT mode, which will provide you with a stable image through the viewfinder, for when you have to capture images of moving subjects.
Don't lose focus
Being designed for action and sports photography, you could not miss an ultrafast autofocus.

It doesn't matter if they move at high speed, Nikon's objective will be able to focus on the subject without problems.

In addition, it has improved AF tracking so you don't lose focus at any time, even if you're shooting high-speed bursts.

And thanks to the Silent Wave Motor (SWM), in addition to fast it will work in an ultra-quiet way.

A luxury.
Great construction, better performance
The Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f / 2.8 FL ED VR lens is constructed of 22 elements in 18 groups including 6 ED glass elements, 1 fluorite lens and 1 HRI element.

All these elements build a lens with great performance, capable of eliminating chromatic aberration, as well as the distortion that is generated at any focal length.

But it also has a nanocrystalline coating that minimizes phantom images and flashes.
Built to last
Not only the internal construction of the objective is important.

Nikon has also taken care to give the target a robust and fully sealed construction to be able to use it in harsh and demanding conditions, typical of professional use.

It also has a fluorine coating that repels water, dirt and dust.

A beast.


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