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Veiling: Nikon Z6

Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 24.00 R 25.00

R 24.24

Die gebruiker rathhugh wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 24.24
R 24.25
R 24.26



Daxdi munte waarde

R 61,124.74

R 61,100.50


Die gebruiker rathhugh wen die veiling.
Daxdi assistent


  • Huidige prys

    R 24.24

  • Produkwaarde

    R 61,124.74

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    Openbare veiling

  • Bodwaarde

    6 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 30.00

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    0 Gebruikers

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    0 Keer

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    R 0.00

  • Gemiddelde besparings van die wenners

    R 61,124.74

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    R 0.00

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Nikon Z6

Camera - Nikon Z6, 24.5 MP, ISO 100 - 51200, 12 fps, 4K, Wi-Fi 5 GHz + 24-70 mm f / 4 S + FTZ
Get the artist inside with the EVIL Nikon Z6 camera.

This mirrorless camera has nothing to envy to an SLR camera.

It has a backlit full-frame CMOS sensor and 24.5 MP resolution that will capture fully defined images with great detail.

All with the EXPEED 6 processor, an ultra-fast image processor that takes photos with low noise and a large dynamic range.

With this kit you will take the NIKKOR Z 24-70 mm f / 4 S zoom lens and the FTZ mount adapter to use F mount lenses.
A mount to capture the light
Nikon has equipped this camera with a very wide full-frame lens mount.

This diameter amplitude (55 mm) allows the camera to capture a large amount of light.

In addition, ISO 100 - 51200 will allow you to take great pictures even in low light situations.
An autofocus without limits
The EVIL Nikon Z6 camera has an ultra wide angle autofocus that will make things much easier for you.

Not only does it have ultra-wide coverage through 90% of the frame, but its AF system is capable of detecting any movement at the moment, even if it is a small and fast subject.

Of course, it is able to detect and capture faces, making your photos much more expressive.

You can also measure the exposure up to -4 EV if you have a lens with a f / 2 or greater diaphragm and block the focus on the most precise details even in low light.
Ready for action
Thanks to the speed of 12 fps you can make continuous shots without fear of missing the action.

And, while doing so, forget about the jolts, since the five-axis optical VR stabilization built into the camera will compensate.

But not only that, but it also allows you to shoot at shutter speeds up to 5 times slower.
Record videos in 4K UHD
Not everything is taking pictures.

With the EVIL Nikon Z6 camera you can also record videos with a resolution of 4K at 30p or record in slow motion in Full HD 120p resolution.

In addition, you can capture still images while recording.
Compact zoom lens
The NIKKOR Z 24-70 mm f / 4 S lens allows you to take full-frame photographs or take videos in great detail.

With a minimum focusing distance of 0.3 m you can capture photos at very short distances.

With this objective, you will get the most out of your Nikon Z camera.


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