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Veiling: Yamaha Music Cast YHT-7141

Oorblywende tyd


Huidige prys

R 2.00 R 3.00

R 2.41

Die gebruiker NgoodwinViv wen die veiling.
Jongste bod
R 2.41
R 2.42
R 2.43



Daxdi munte waarde

R 12,246.04

R 12,243.63


Die gebruiker NgoodwinViv wen die veiling.
Daxdi assistent


  • Huidige prys

    R 2.41

  • Produkwaarde

    R 12,246.04

  • Veiling-ID


  • Veilingtipe

    Openbare veiling

  • Bodwaarde

    3 Daxdi munte

  • Aanvanklike prys

    R 15.00

Statistiek van die laaste 15 dae

  • Gemiddelde aantal deelnemers

    0 Gebruikers

  • Gemiddelde hoeveelheid bod wat deur die wenners gedoen word

    0 Daxdi munte

  • Gemiddelde gepubliseerde tye in 'n week

    0 Keer

  • Gemiddelde finale prys

    R 0.00

  • Gemiddelde besparings van die wenners

    R 12,246.04

  • Gemiddelde besteding deur wenners

    R 0.00

Jongste wenners

Daar is nie meer finale veilings van hierdie produk op die afgelope 30 dae nie


Die produk sal binne 'n maksimum van 24 uur gestuur word sodra u gewen en betaal het vir die veiling.

Die opgeveilde produk is beskikbaar om vir sy kontantwaarde verruil te word

Vir meer inligting oor die aflewering van die produkte of om die kontantwaarde daarvan in te ruil, kan u die algemene vrae vra of 'n ondersteuningskaartjie oopmaak

Koop produk

Jy kan hierdie produk in enige oomblik koop, as jy bod in hierdie veiling geplaas het, sal die bodwaarde van die produk finale prys afgetrek word.

Yamaha Music Cast YHT-7141

5.1 AV system for home theater - Yamaha Music Cast YHT-7141, Black
Now you can enjoy the best of music with the Yamaha speaker system that has a definition and sound quality that will make you transport to other sound worlds, let yourself be carried away by new experiences and delight your ears with the best music.
Yamaha Music Cast AV receiver
The Yamaha A / V receiver has 80Wx5 (6Ω) Bluetooth and WiFi receivers, which belongs to the Musc Cast family of products, for multi-room.

It is capable not only of receiving Bluetooth, but also capable of sending Bluetooth to headphones or a bluetooth speaker.
Unlimited Compatibility
It is compatible with SpotifyConnect, Deezer and Tidal, compatible with audio formats DSD2.8 and 5.6, FLAC / WAV 24 bits / 192 KHz, incorporates a compressed music enhancement system to improve the Bluetooth signal with 4 input x HDMI compatible HDR Video including Dolby Vision and BT.2020 pass-through, HDMI® coneARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) compatible.

4K scaling from HDMI inputs, USB input, network functions: AirPlay, Internet Radio and control application, Burr-Brown 24bits / 192 KHz converters, microphone for automatic adjustment (YPAO), silent Cinema for surround sound via headphones, 4 modes “ Scene ”that facilitates its handling.
Yamaha NSP-41 5.1 speaker system
Package consisting of 2 main speakers, 1 center channel, 2 rear effect speakers and 1 auto amplified subwoofer with Advanced YST II 50W with 8 ”cone for deep bass.

TwistedFlare Port technology.

Impedance: 6 Ohms, small speakers, allows wall mounting of the cubes, maximum power per cube 100 W, frequency response: 28 Hz - 25 KHz, Black lacquered finish.


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