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Auction: Caso Cooking Blender CB 2200

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R 0.00 R 1.00

R 0.12

The user Nicoleresendez is winning the auction.
Latest bids
R 0.12
R 0.11
R 0.10
Auction info

Product value


Daxdi coins value

R 5,183.74

R 5,183.62


The user Nicoleresendez is winning the auction.
Participants with a seat in this auction
1. kianaputz
2. Nicoleresendez
3. grendulic
4. BinaalesPro
5. PlanteOuellet
6. Krajncbogom

Auction information

  • Current price

    R 0.12

  • Product value

    R 5,183.74

  • Auction ID


  • Auction type

    Private auction

  • Bid value

    3 Daxdi coins

  • Initial price

    R 0.00

Statistics of the last 15 days

  • Average number of participants

    0 users

  • Average amount of bids done by the winners

    0 Daxdi coins

  • Average published times in a week

    0 times

  • Average final price

    R 0.00

  • Average savings of the winners

    R 5,183.74

  • Average spending by winners

    R 0.00

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Caso Cooking Blender CB 2200

Blender - Cooking Blender CB 2200 Case, 4 blades, LED, Timer, Inox
The CB2200 Case blender manages to prepare fresh soups in a very short time.

The sting and mashing of the ingredients and heating are fully automatic.

Due to the direct mixing / cooking function, soups are particularly intense in flavor.

Preparing sauces, vitamin shakes, baby food or cocktails is not a problem!
Can with everything
Extra sharp stainless steel blades and very high quality materials such as brushed aluminum case create an elegant and high quality appearance in all kitchens.

Extremely soft, hard or fibrous ingredients are processed at lightning speed thanks to the robust stainless steel knives and the 500-watt motor.
Cook like the professionals
Prepare a fresh guacamole, pesto, spreads, jam, soups or tasty sauces for your guests or your family.

In the included recipe book of the CB 2200 you will find many creative recipe ideas for all tastes!
For all
The large container with a capacity of 1.75 L, this kitchen assistant is also perfect for preparing large quantities, such as for a party.


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